Key Facts

Legislation House

Naturopathy is not a new profession.

Traditional naturopaths as well as Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) lived and worked in Florida before 1958 and have lived here since 1958. 

Naturopathy is not going away.

There are five accredited naturopathic medical schools - and two new schools on the horizon - which continue to graduate students every year. Twenty-three states as well as three other U.S. jurisdictions - DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands - license NDs. So long as that remains true, NDs and traditional Naturopaths will live and work in our state.

It’s time to end the era of fear.

Since 1958, NDs have lived in terror of the state, as the state has historically taken a tense and punitive approach toward the profession since sunsetting the license. Despite that, NDs continue to live and work in Florida legally using other monikers like “health coach.” However, we all agree that it would be better to reinstate the license and not have this medical profession practicing in the shadows. 

This is about closing the physician shortage in Florida.

Today, while we are facing a provider gap, we have good doctors living in our state, who are properly trained, recognized in other states, and want nothing more than to help care for Floridians. Rural Floridians in particular face the brunt of this deficit of health care. Let’s bring these doctors out of the shadows and let them get to work for Floridians!

This is about ending the chronic disease epidemic.

Unfortunately, far too many Floridians are struggling with chronic disease. NDs are well-suited for the treatment of chronic disease. In addition to pharmacology, NDs are also trained in nutrition, supplementation, hydrotherapy, herbs, and other remedies that can address the root cause of disease. ND’S are a great option for patients who have been underserved or left behind by the conventional system.

This is a health freedom issue. 

Floridians deserve the right to seek the type of care that best meets the unique healthcare needs of them and their family. Very often, new Floridians move here from another state where they already work with a licensed ND or traditional Naturopath, and face a rude awakening when they learn that their care of choice is not only unavailable in Florida, but actually illegal! Similarly, Floridians who wish to work with an ND legally must travel out-of-state to do so.

This is about patient and doctor protection.

Licensure protects patients by ensuring NDs meet a standard of professionalism. But licensure also protects NDs by allowing them to be eligible for malpractice insurance and other protections.

Naturopaths and NDs have a strong record of patient safety.

In states where NDs are licensed, malpractice insurance for NDs is $2,000-$4,000 per year. This is orders of magnitude lower than many other health care providers. NDs simply do not see the kinds and quantities of lawsuits that other medical professionals see - indicating a strong record of patient safety.

This is smart business.

Today, Floridians who seek care of an ND will travel out of state to get the care they need. That’s lost revenue for the state.
Let’s make naturopathy legal in Florida and bring Naturopathic Doctors out of the shadows so that more Floridians can get well.
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A growing movement of Floridians, led by patients, to end the illegalization of Naturopathy in our state and support HB 533 and SB 470.